I set out a tripod in the ice cave I spotted high on the slope above Thompson Lake. Although the interior looked interesting I wanted to include outside view in the image. After metering both outside and inside I realized I'm not going to have detail in both. So I decided on 2 perfect exposure shots , one in, one out, with the same f-stop, varying exposure time only. Later I combined them in PS.
This is outstanding.Too bad that 21/2.8 Biogon is not usable on digital FF.\n\n\n
Actually dirk@japanexposures.com converts the G lenses, including 21 to M (Leica ) mount, as well as sells already converted lenses.
Comments (4)
This is outstanding.Too bad that 21/2.8 Biogon is not usable on digital FF.\n\n\n
Actually dirk@japanexposures.com converts the G lenses, including 21 to M (Leica ) mount, as well as sells already converted lenses.