Photo: 521145 | By: lilia | ZEISS CY PLANAR 50MM F1.4 |
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Photo 521145

Photo: 521145


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Member since: 2011-11-04
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Uploaded: 2012-06-27

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Comments (3)

🕐 06-28-12 10:12lilia wrote:

This is the Queensborough Bridge (aka 59 Street Bridge Song) that connects Manhattan to Queens. Although it is not "pretty" it is beloved by its people as it is a 103 year old workhorse. One of the only bridges that is still free so it gets much traffic.

If you are old enough to appreciate Simon & Garfunkel (who were neighbors of mine in Queens), one of their best songs was Feeling Groovy (also known as the 59th Street Song). This bridge is on 59 Street, therefore we call it by 2 names.

You would love the area across the bridge as it is all old industrial buildings, however, that is changing now to luxury apartment buildings. In Manhattan we only build UP, no extra space, so we look elsewhere for living space. Shame, as it will lose its old flavor.

Glad you like it!

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