Photo: Dropping the chute at the mark | By: waeshael | LEICA SUMMICRON 35MM F2 |
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Dropping the chute at the mark


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Member since: 2011-09-03
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Uploaded: 2015-02-09


This 30 year old slide had deteriorated in storage and the colors were faded. There was a ton of dust on the slide that wouldn't come off. I rescued it by converting to B&W, then cleaning up in NX2. The toning was added in Snapseed. You can see that the crew have dropped the chute way too early and have hauled in the main and jib while still sailing downwind. The spinnaker sheet has been loosened when it should have been pulled in under the boom, and the spinnaker is going into the water. It will cost them

Photo capture details

ISO 100 - (1/125) at f/11

Comments (2)

🕐 02-09-15 15:44rsd wrote:
Catches the motion very well. Nicely done!
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