please watch the editing. I do bot know your workflow but the colour to b&w conversion is a tricky business especially when you are shooting JPEGs or when you are using the JPEGs shot in tandem with DNGs with you X1. X1's JPEGs are not the best in the trade and if you push them a bit you end with artifacts and this shows even at this low resolution. I know X1 is a pain. When you wish to shoot in DNG you are getting a JPEG as a "bonus". But it is an excellent camera, although the lens is prone to flare. Watch this as well.
Dimitris V. Georgopoulos, Athens, Greece.
Comments (5)
please watch the editing. I do bot know your workflow but the colour to b&w conversion is a tricky business especially when you are shooting JPEGs or when you are using the JPEGs shot in tandem with DNGs with you X1. X1's JPEGs are not the best in the trade and if you push them a bit you end with artifacts and this shows even at this low resolution. I know X1 is a pain. When you wish to shoot in DNG you are getting a JPEG as a "bonus". But it is an excellent camera, although the lens is prone to flare. Watch this as well.
Dimitris V. Georgopoulos, Athens, Greece.