Photo: Children's Games | By: danbell | LEICA NOCTILUX 50MM F1 |
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Photo 321825

Children's Games


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Member since: 2010-10-27
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Uploaded: 2012-03-03

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Comments (1)

🕐 08-15-13 02:03dvg wrote:
Nice photo, though please watch your techinique and post processing with the superluminus lenses. To use a Noctilux or just any other lens at f0.95 to f1.4 is all about bokeh and the smooth gradation from the in-focus to out of focus area. The background here spoils the picture. Try not to have high contrast areas in the background and especially for this one if you use LIght Room try the gradation filters not only to balance contrast in the bokeh but also to smooth the tones out by using clarity tool of the mask, selectively.
Dimitris V. Georgopoulos, Athens, Greece.
PS: Needless to say that with such super luminus lenses fringing anf colour aberrations are always profound, wide ope to usually f2.8, and they need to be corrected.