Photo: Hyatt Regency Katmandu | By: dalth500 | ZEISS G BIOGON 21MM F2.8 |
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Photo 543011

Hyatt Regency Katmandu


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Member since: 2013-01-31
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Uploaded: 2015-04-17

Photo capture details

Unknown focal length
ISO 200 - 12.000 s at f/4

Comments (1)

🕐 04-17-15 07:58dalth500 wrote:
With any gear there are always trade offer and I have to agree with the you on the Leica sensor - it is unusually noisy in low light situations that call for long exposures. Frankly I am disappointed with this limitation along with the inability of the M to accommodate exposures longer than 30seconds - perhaps the Leica designers realized the sensor's limitation set the firmware to limit time exposures. Thank you for the comments regarding the noise levels in low-light exposures.