Comments Received by bogaert

343499View photo
Having Another Hard Day
Photo by bogaert
🕐 05-12-15 17:29JT wrote:
nice capture. Love the rain drops and the overall look
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344613View photo
That's To Go Right?
Photo by bogaert
🕐 06-17-14 02:37ced wrote:
B, Love the gritty look!
344610View photo
Which Train?
Photo by bogaert
🕐 06-16-14 16:48friedeye wrote:
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344612View photo
High Street & Red
Photo by bogaert
🕐 06-16-14 16:48friedeye wrote:
Great shot. Terrific angle and light.
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343549View photo
From Above
Photo by bogaert
🕐 05-01-14 12:14nikki wrote:
great angle!
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343546View photo
Which Way?
Photo by bogaert
🕐 04-29-14 14:59oddgeir wrote:
Excellent shot, great framing
343548View photo
My Space
Photo by bogaert
🕐 04-29-14 00:52itus49 wrote:
Great Shot & Composition
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343500View photo
Waiting To Meet Up
Photo by bogaert
🕐 04-27-14 09:09rsd wrote:
Nice composition!