Comments Received by edster12

326110View photo
Taxi Awaits
Photo by edster12
🕐 08-26-13 17:35edster12 wrote:
Thanks. It is one of the traditional, but today, less popular way to cross the harbour. Today it is mostly used to service working folks to/fro the working ships nearby.
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326580View photo
Bund from Water
Photo by edster12
🕐 08-26-13 13:12wfzd wrote:
We have been there,
had dinner close by, love this city!
The Bund! xie-xie!
326418View photo
Multi Tasking
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-28-13 14:16wfzd wrote:
The humor, that wonderful city!
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328106View photo
Let it lie
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-19-13 12:39nikki wrote:
great shot!
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328107View photo
Jetty Guard
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-18-13 02:33edster12 wrote:
Thanks. :) I should start a category/folder called animals.
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328108View photo
Braised Fowl
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-17-13 23:26edster12 wrote:
Thanks, friedeye. ;) Wish you have the chance to taste it too, works quite well too.
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327897View photo
Old Way
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-12-13 18:01edster12 wrote:
I had understood from a local that China use to have the world largest group of cyclist for everyday life; now the car to cyclist ratio have switch drastically. I spotted this lone cyclist bravely attempting to traverse one of the major Shanghai city center intersection. :)
327791View photo
Baby Eels Fresh Noodles
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-08-13 01:03edster12 wrote:
Looks freaky. And the shop's decor is below average.... but man, when you slurp the oodles of noodle. Then taste the sweet stir fried baby river eels.
327764View photo
Chinese New Year Lanterns
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-07-13 04:10edster12 wrote:
Thanks, Sol. :) Glad you find it nice.
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327763View photo
QR code Opera
Photo by edster12
🕐 03-06-13 20:10edster12 wrote:
:) Did anyone spot the QR (2D) barcode? ;) First time I see this data representation used as part of a major design feature.