Comments Received by christogr

353315View photo
City of Romance
Photo by christogr
🕐 11-17-15 04:17gip wrote:
All the images in this group are very nice. This one looks like a window view rather than a photo. Good work Georgios.
347523View photo
Top of the Rock
Photo by christogr
🕐 12-12-14 12:10christogr wrote:
Thank you for your valuable comments.
Since you liked the color one more, I will add the same Panoramic one in color version.
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347524View photo
Top of the Rock- Panoramic BW
Photo by christogr
🕐 12-11-14 10:48rsd wrote:
An admirable capture of Manhattan!
343333View photo
Photo 343333
Photo by christogr
🕐 05-25-14 17:11lilia wrote:
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343339View photo
Photo 343339
Photo by christogr
🕐 05-25-14 17:10lilia wrote:
Wonderful portrait!
343338View photo
Photo 343338
Photo by christogr
🕐 04-25-14 14:02oddgeir wrote:
Nice, clean composition
343336View photo
Photo 343336
Photo by christogr
🕐 04-25-14 14:00oddgeir wrote:
Nice shot, but . . careful with that darkening of upper right quarter . . .