Thanks, Ralph... there is that atmosphere. The helmet looks like the British style of WW1, and as I recall the owner said it was used by a family member.
I like this in several ways... The simple attractive color, fine composition, the tidy sidecar bicycle, and presumably its motivating power there ruining his lungs with a cigarette, for a bit of contrast!
Yes, such large and fluffy fronds, like soft flames reaching into the sky... an attractive arrangement of colors and textures. Two of my cats think these seeds are delicious treats, demanded when I arrive home. :)
This would be a psychrometer, with the middle thermometer giving the shaded air temp, and the nearer one with the sock that would be moistened to determine the effect of evaporation (why that one's called the wet bulb), with the chart used to find the humidity from the difference in the readings. I haven't seen one like this with the third thermometer which I'll guess indicates the effect of exposure to the bright sun... 112°? Wow, and about 103 in the shade. (former USAF weather guy here!)